How to Add Content to the Archives

We want the family archives to grow on the web site so that we can share all of the wonderful items that are tucked away throughout the homes of family members. Please follow these steps to add content to the web site.

1. The first thing is to make sure you have created an account on this web site. If you haven’t, go to and fill out the form. You will be notified by e-mail when the administrator has verified that you are a member of the family and has activated your account.

2. Navigate through the archives to the type of item you would like to share. (e.g. Photograph – click on the Archives tab, then click on Photograph in the list.)

3. Click on the link titled: Add child page. This link is located at the bottom of the page on the right side, but before the Add new comment section.

4. Enter a title for the item. (e.g. Include the name of the individuals in the photograph.)

5. Fill out the rest of the form to add the content. Include any details known regarding the item. See the page titled How to Make a Record of Family Heirlooms and Keepsakes. You are able to attach images and files to each page. The images uploaded will appear on the page when saved. (e.g. Provide the date the photograph was taken and attach the photograph as an image file.)

6. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. The page will then appear the way that all of the family will be able to see it. Any text on the pages will be added to the index shortly and will be fully searchable from anywhere on the web site.

Thank you for helping us make this web site the best resource it can be for the family.

If you have any trouble or have any questions, please contact Jared F. Glade at 801-775-8215 or