by Michael Taylor contributes a weekly column to LDSWorld-Gems with interesting information about the General Authorities. Brother Taylor has compiled information about church leaders and history, and previous quizes:
From April 7, 1910 to October 13, 1911, five of the fifteen apostles serving in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve had the last name of Smith. Can you name these five brethren?
Answer to the quiz:
The five Smiths were Joseph F. Smith (President of the Church), John Henry Smith (2nd counselor in the First Presidency), Hyrum Mack Smith (member of the Quorum of 12), George Albert Smith (Quorum of 12), and Joseph Fielding Smith (Quorum of 12). Joseph F. Smith was the father of Hyrum Mack Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith, and John Henry Smith was the father of George Albert Smith. Joseph F. Smith and John Henry Smith were 2nd cousins (Asael Smith was the great-grandfather of both these brethren). Interestingly, during this same time period, David Asael Smith (Joseph F. Smith’s son) was serving as the 2nd Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, and John Smith (Hyrum Smith’s son) was serving as the Patriarch of the Church.