by Michael Taylor contributes a weekly column to LDSWorld-Gems with interesting information about the General Authorities. Brother Taylor has compiled information about church leaders and history, and previous quizes:
Of the 15 Presidents of the Church in this dispensation, which ones have called the largest number of brethren into the apostleship (acting as the Lord’s agent, of course)?
22 apostles were called during Joseph Smith’s tenure (Joseph Smith to Amasa Lyman)
13 during Brigham Young’s presidency (Ezra T. Benson to Albert Carrington)
12 during Heber J. Grant’s presidency (Melvin J. Ballard to Mark E. Petersen)
11 during Joseph F. Smith’s presidency (Hyrum Mack Smith to Richard R. Lyman)
11 during David O. McKay’s presidency (Marion G. Romney to Alvin R. Dyer)