Dear Joseph F. Smith Family,
I’m delighted to announce, that after a 2-year hiatus, the reunion this year will again be in person! We have missed seeing each other and invite each of you to attend. On a personal note, my husband and I started bringing our kids to the JFS Reunion years ago, because we wanted them to know their remarkable family heritage. What a blessing to descend from prophets like Joseph F. and his amazing parents, Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith. We wanted that heritage to be part of their personal identity to help fortify them in an increasingly secular world. Come join us!
Our presenter this year is artist and official Smith Family portraitist, Julie Rogers. Julie is especially well known for her many paintings of early Latter-Day Saint pioneers, but she has also painted members of the Joseph Smith Sr. family many times, and her recent work includes paintings of Hyrum and Mary Fielding, as well as Joseph F., some of which she will share at the reunion. Julie will focus her presentation on her love for the Smith family and how she feels inspired to paint them.

The reunion will be:
When: Monday, November 14th at 7 pm
Where: Monument Park Stake Center
1320 South Wasatch Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah
The Reunion will also be live streamed on Facebook and will be available for later viewing at
Please notify your family data steward to update addresses, add missing family members, and let us know how you would like us to contact you for future reunions. Names of data stewards are located on the back of your program—some families need new data stewards and volunteers are welcome!
Also, please consider making a family donation so our reunion can continue to be an annual event. To make the reunion happen we research family names and addresses and send out over 2000 invitations each year. The donations cover postage, refreshments, website domain renewal, sharing family history research, etc. Suggested donation this year is $10-35 per household. You can make your donation at the reunion registration table or send it to the family treasurer’s address below. Thank you for your contributions!
Joseph F. Smith Family Association
Paul Smith – Treasurer
2273 West Smith Legacy Cove
Taylorsville, Utah 84129
We love you and hope that you will be active participants in carrying on the Smith Family legacy by living the gospel, visiting the family website, strengthening your family, helping to keep our family connected, reporting to data stewards, and perhaps volunteering to serve on a committee, which is a great experience. It is such a privilege to be part of a modern-day prophet’s family.
Shauna Sandberg
2022 JFS Reunion Committee Chairman